Interact 24.12
- [CORE] Interact is now compatible with Unity 6. The latest Unity 2022.3 is still our recommended version. The minimum supported version is now 2022.3.52, as this Unity patch provides a major bugfix related to spline and cable generation.
- [CORE] Interact now supports Pixyz 3.0.3. If Pixyz is not installed, you can install the appropriate Pixyz package by clicking on INTERACT > Import > CAD model. Important notice: Pixyz 3.0.5 is not supported currently due to regressions in Custom Actions.
- [VR] Updated default avatars' skins: default avatars now feature long sleeves, new gloves, and PPE. You can still change the avatar's look and feel by using another Ready Player Me avatar.
- [CABLE] When creating multiple cables, you can now merge cable attach points located at the same position. If a cable is divided into sections, the new workflow is to multi-select all cable GameObjects, then use the Physics > Cable > Create cable tool to create a physicalized cable behavior. Finally, use Physics > Cable > Merge cable attach points to merge the sections together.
- [CORE] Change pan and orbital cursors while using desktop player.
- [EDITOR] Add pick-axis for planar joint.
- [EDITOR] Set a default custom avatar in project preferences.
- [EDITOR] Add a button in Help menu to reset INTERACT preferences.
- [PHYSICS] Improved control of the residual in the numerical resolution of the various constraints which may be present in the XdeScene. The residuals tolerated for each constraint now have an appropriate physical dimension (length, angle, linear or angular velocity) and are all adjustable. The tolerance values should be considered as an accuracy specification for the simulation. If maximum number of iterations is reached without respecting residual threshold, a warning will be issued. Lower the timestep or increase the maximum number of iterations to solve the issue. If you upgrade an exiting scene, the helper CheckScene will set the appropriate default parameters.
- [EDITOR] Remove Select parts under vertices limit.
- [PHYSICS] Remove unused and misleading variable initialAngle of XdePointOnLineJoint.
- [CABLE] Dephysicalize cable fails when cable is not properly generated.
- [ERGO] Ergo tracked hand positions improved in light of new glove meshes.
- [VR] Prevents hands from detaching too frequently when the user is tall.
- [VR] Fix XdeHandRecoverer inspector.
- [CABLE] Remove beam material and material if medial axis does not succeed.
- [CABLE] Revert all cables creation when clicking 'Cancel' in progress bar.
- [CABLE] Optimization when creating a lot of cables.
- [CABLE] Set collision group of circular beam and attach points to DEFAULT when the cable is generated.
- [CABLE] Disable 'weld at start' when the cable attach is connected.
- [SCENARIO] Value of XdeAsbPart dismountable option is restored when reinitialized.
- [SCENARIO] XdeAsbTarget uses the mesh renderer bounds center as pivot to display the ghost target. Avoids non uniform ghost target rescale issue.
- [SCENARIO] XdeAsbGuidingLine uses the mesh renderer bounds center as guiding line origin.
- [SCENARIO] More robust scene reset for XdeAsbScenario. Avoids broken scenario loops.
- [SCENARIO] Prevent new keypoint validation if a repetable XdeAsbPlacing is already completed.
- [LIBRARY] Missing XdeMeshCollider on Isybot sample.
- [POINTCLOUD] Avoid crash on nested-octree with empty nodes.
- [POINTCLOUD] Add 8bits color support for LAS/LAZ.
- [POINTCLOUD] Fix import e57 with missing parts.
- [POINTCLOUD] Avoid crash with a CollisionScene with multiple meshes.
- [POINTCLOUD] Normals computation on structured file at import needs points de-duplication.
- [HAPTICS] Rename virtuose::master into virtuose::conductor, hide the field if there is only one Virtuose in the scene.
- [HAPTICS] No longer throw an exception when there is a single virtuose in the scene and its conductor is itself.
- [VR] Fix Laser Grab behaviour.
- [CABLE] Fix collisions and interferences between cables and Player.
- [EDITOR] Fix error when using XDE local server.
- [Editor] OpenXR version in Template now matches OpenXR version in package.
Interact 24.10
- [PHYSICS] Swept volume You can now compute swept volume using XdeSweptVolume component. During a simulation, record a trajectory and export the corresponding swept volume.
- [VR] Displays the gap between tracked hands and physics hands. In the event that the simulated (physics) hands do not follow the controllers (where the tracked hands are located), we display the tracked hands as ghost models. These show us the location of the controllers.
- [CORE] While using the desktop camera controller, you can now use the Middle click in the Game view to focus and set a pivot point for the navigation.
- [VR] While using the Walk navigation mode, you can add the ability to follow the ground level and handle obstacles. This for example allows the Player to properly climb a staircase.
- [VR] A new navigation mode was added - the elevator mode. It constrains the user's navigation to verticle upward and downward movements. This is generally useful when primarily using walk navigation to move, but having to navigate towards other floor levels.
- [PHYSICS] Auto-sleep is now enabled by default. Auto-sleep is an optimization algorithm which is useful when you have multiple rigidbodies at rest. When a Rigidbody is not moving, we set it to sleep in order to stop computing fine collisions. If any Rigibody, external force or event might impact the Rigibody which is at rest, it will wake up automatically. You can use an XdeRigidBodySleepMonitor to check if a Rigidbody is asleep or not.
- [VR] Uses PostProcess Ambient Occlusion from Unity.
- [EDITOR] Highlight a GameObject when clicking on an issue detected by Check scene conformity. It helps to locate the issue in the scene.
- [CABLE] XdeBeamMeshRenderer is now editable in multi-selection.
- [CABLE] We can now Dephysicalize a cable.
- [CORE] Uses Unity's new InputSystem for desktop navigation.
- [CABLE] Use number of nodes per meter instead of number of nodes. Editing Number of nodes per meter allows multi-selection for cable. If two cables were of different length, absolute number of nodes was complicated to setup.
- [ERGO] There used to be two steps when calibrating an Ergo Player for ergonomic studies. The first step required standing straight. The second step required standing in a T-pose. The first step is no longer required. Calibration now only requires one step, which is to stand in a T-pose.
- [ERGO] OpenXR vive tracker roles for ergonomic studies have changed. We now use standard names from OpenXR.
- [CORE] Solved DLL load order that was preventing simulations on some computers.
- [CORE] Removes the warning from the async function of cable generation from spline.
- [CORE] Fixed a visual glitch that existed on the Desktop Camera Manipulator. The previous control line was visible for one frame.
- [CORE] Check if the save path is not null and not empty to export mesh in stl format.
- [CORE] Fixes several await/async warnings.
- [CORE] If GameView is not visible, ScreenPointToRay was generating a critical error.
- [CORE] Fixes warning: "Parent of RectTransform is being set with parent property".
- [CORE] Fixes conflict between Unity hotkey binded to num key.
- [CABLE] Removing circular beam attach from a rigid body does not remove it from the cable attach points list.
- [CABLE] Creates an attachpoint directly on a child without creating one on that object's child.
- [CABLE] Changes to the number of nodes are now undoable.
- [CABLE] Cable creation is now undoable.
- [CABLE] Removed Collision Rule and Contact Material fields from CableGenerator: they are already located on the beam component.
- [CABLE] Fix NullReferenceException when we remove an attach point.
- [CABLE] Points attached to a cable where sometimes relocated to a wrong position.
- [CABLE] Two-nodes cables are displayed in green because there is no curvature.
- [CABLE] Fix problems with extremely small cable generation.
- [EDITOR] Fixed "Creating a new simulation does not create a PhysicsManager when the current PhysicsManager is disabled".
- [ERGO] Ergo Players - the left foot offset is improved. This straightens the foot.
- [ERGO] Body offsets are adapted for men and women Ergo Players, to avoid certain parts of the body from being subjected to unwanted deformations. Several of these offsets are gender-specific.
- [SCENARIO] When creating a new step, node was added at the same position.
- [POINTCLOUD] InteractPhysicsManager no longer requires OctopclRaycastScene.
- [POINTCLOUD] OctopclCollisionScene no longer crashes while editing resolution.
- [POINTCLOUD] Laser grab raycast freeze when hovering pointcloud.
- [LIBRARY] Modified Fanuc400L base mesh, merged submeshes.
- [VR] Fixes shiny Avatar Material in Interact Builds.
- [VR] Fixes regression for measures on pointcloud.
- [LICENSE] Several fixes related to license activation.
- [LICENSE] Embedded license manager with core update.
- [LIBRARY] Add fallback package for INTERACT Materials.
- [CORE] Fix threading issue that could lead to a crash while using multi-selection.
Interact 24.07
- [EDITOR] Installer and template for Unity hub Interact is now distributed as a setup file. During the installation, we will check Unity version, propose to activate license and install a template in Unity Hub. To create a new Interact project using Unity hub, go to Unity hub, create new project and select the Interact template. Interact package and its dependencies will be automatically added in your project. Standard .unitypackage is still available for users who don't use Unity hub or for users who need to upgrade an existing project.
- [CABLE] You can now create a simulated cable from an Unity Spline. Using Unity spline package, you can draw a bezier curve and transform this into a physical cable.
- [CABLE] You can now modify the spline path generated from a 3D model. Editing the cable path is now possible.
- [CABLE] Changing the number of nodes for a cable, also called decimation was limited to skipping a node every X nodes. You can now define an exact number of nodes and the nodes will be computed from the reference spline.
- [PHYSICS] Update XDE to 24.3.0.
- Improve solver performances for large scenes
- Sort the XdeBehaviour by Id before sending them to the server to ensure a deterministic startup.
- Add SetControllingJoint[Async] method, allowing to change the controlling unit joint of a mapped joint during a simulation.
- Add modifier SetMassAsync to the rigidbody.
- [EDITOR] Scene statistics are now using an overlay window in the scene view.
- [EDITOR] Expose Ruler, caliper and protractor tools as overlay toolbar in scene view.
- [EDITOR] Add a tool - Distance Renderer - that can track the minimal distance between two sets of rigidbodies.
- [EDITOR] Add 'Export stl' option to mesh component contextual menu.
- [EDITOR] Option to invert Vector3 in contextual menu.
- [HAPTIC] Add support for Raptor API, in order to support telerobotics use-cases.
- [HAPTIC] The force sent by the virtuose is now displayed in the inspector.
- [HAPTIC] The Power state is now available in the XdeVirtuose.
- [HAPTIC] Add error index 7 in Virtuose: Emergency button pressed.
- [HAPTIC] Expose the accessors GetButtons/GetArticalPosition that were in UCVirtuose.
- [CABLE] Cable simulation is now compatible with auto-sleep, which will pause the physics simulation of rigidbodies at rest. Previously, auto-sleep causes a performance regression while being used with cables.
- [VR] Upgrade to OpenXR 1.11.
- [CORE] Remove deprecated class XdeLayers and associated components
- [CORE] Remove deprecated class XdeCutJoint
- [CORE] Remove deprecated class XdeSplineRenderer and XdeBeamRenderer
- [CORE] Remove obsolete slave methods and replace last 'slave' by 'replica'
- [CORE] Remove XdeCheckScene class, obsolete since 21.03
- [CORE] Remove obsolete NetworkDisplay class, since 21.03
- [CORE] Remove obsolete SlaveDescription field. Obsolete since 21.06
- [CORE] Remove obsolete member h from HelicalJoint. Obsolete since 20.10
- [VR] Fix tongue and wrist for VR players that behave strangely when moving heads up.
- [EDITOR] Scenes statistics are now more efficient to compute.
- [EDITOR] Resolve Assign material that was only working with single material parts.
- [VR] Interact Menu configures Man and Woman Avatars directly upon import.
- [VR] Calibrating Manus model's hands for each gender upon import.
- [VR] Camera clipping plane improvement on two main VR players to avoid seeing inside body when looking down (with Woman Avatar models).
- [VR] Resolve "Unweld when grasped is not compatible with bi-manual manipulation"
- [EDITOR] Fix context menu with multi-selection for cable attach point.
- [VR] Resize player label according to the camera distance.
- [EDITOR] Multiple audio listener warning loop in multiplayer context - disabling of all listeners at start and enabling of selected player's listener.
- [EDITOR] During measure, ignore collider if the gameoject is hidden or not pickable.
- [EDITOR] Use Mesh Collider with measuring tools when object also has a Box collider.
- [VR] Fix - walking animation issues if Player's parent object had a different rotation at start.
- [VR] Ensure standing idle/walking animations only activated if AvatarIK's useAnimation is toggled on.
- [VR] Simultaneous Walk and Teleport Mode problem fixed for LS Suit model.
- [VR] Smooth transition between sitting and standing positions.
- [VR] XdeHandRecoverer: fix for dynamic instantiation (permissions).
- [EDITOR] Fix warning related to Pixyz static flags.
- [EDITOR] Fix warnings related to override and toolbar.
- [EDITOR] Prevent initializing dry_friction_limit when the friction is disabled.
- [EDITOR] Enhance kinematic graph window
- Make sure the icons land between the buttons, not on the buttons.
- Make the joints clickable.
- Add view panning using Middle mouse button.
- [EDITOR] While rephysicalizing from fixed to hinge, axis was setup as (0,0,0).
- [CORE] Test the presence of netstandard before building to prevent a cryptic and long-to-appear issue.
- [COLLAB] Warn the user when one tries to call an RPC that is not registered.
- [SCENARIO] Add ghost animation for XdeAsbTarget when settings are speed > 0 and angularSpeed = 0
- [SCENARIO] Fix guiding lines width parameter.
- [SCENARIO] Fix Support of XdeAsbKeypoint runtime instantiation.
- [PHYSICS] Fix simulation crash when the temporal coherency is ON and there is a collision with a body with no mesh.
- [PHYSICS] Fix interference display for meshes with multiple materials.
- [PHYSICS] Fix collisions initialization when Domain reload is disabled.
- [EDITOR] Fix typos on tutorials.
- [CABLE] Update last beam attached node when regenerating cable.
- [CABLE] Lower node color opacity and hide nodes when cable is not selected.
- [LICENSE] Fix emails related to support address.
- [EDITOR] Package was not properly installed when Splines package was not added in the project.
Interact 24.04
- [VR] Add the ability to customize avatar: using avatar from Ready Player Me website, you can easily replace the default avatar with a new one.
- [EDITOR] Add a new mode to pick an axis: Pressing shift+T while in the focus of Scene view switches to triangle detection instead of shape detection. Pressing shift+T again will reset to shape detection mode.
- [EDITOR] Add an editor tool to manipulate a physicalized object by its axis.
- [EDITOR] Add quick shortcuts for the Physicalize window. Alpha Keys 1 to 0 allow the selection of the type of joint. For power users, the workflow to physicalize a hinge joint now looks like: Shift+P > Alpha3 > Enter.
- [EDITOR] Centered editor window - even on multi-screen setups.
- [EDITOR] Circular Beam Attach component can be added via right-clicking and the main Interact menu's Physics options.
- [EDITOR] Add a tooltip in hierarchy when collision group name is too long.
- [EDITOR] Add a caliper tool to measure a diameter in scene.
- [VR] Added a "Walk" navigation to navigate without moving up or down.
- [VR] Add access to Fly mode velocity through API.
- [ERGO] Add preset configuration for XdeHumanTracker for seated position.
- [CORE] Added STL exporter in URDF exporter. 3D Models are now exported with kinematics link.
- [LIBRARY] All robots now use closed loop component.
- [CORE] Replaced the legacy input system with the new Unity input system.
- [CORE] Fix Unity mathematics dependency.
- [CORE] Friction and damping were not correctly handled on URDF import.
- [CORE] Add fallback packages for GLTFast and OpenXR.
- [CORE] Resolve URDF importer does not support "SimpleTransmission" tag.
- [EDITOR] Fix ArgumentException when using 'Snap Empty' twice with the same object.
- [EDITOR] Fix NullReferenceException when changing a joint from Hinge to Prismatic if it contains an XdeJointEffort.
- [EDITOR] When re-physicalizing a joint that had child joints, references were lost.
- [EDITOR] Can't replace a joint if an XdeUnitJointMonitor is present.
- [EDITOR] Fix constraint reduction stiffness and damping being reset to 1e16 when rephysicalizing.
- [EDITOR] Resolve when we rephysicalize a part, collision group is reset.
- [EDITOR] Fix rephysicalize when a child GameObject was physicalized.
- [EDITOR] Fix before creating a new simulation, switching to measure mode will trigger NullReferenceException.
- [EDITOR] Rename submenu Assembly to Scenarize.
- [EDITOR] Change Label style for measures in editor, in order to increase contrast.
- [EDITOR] Disable picking rigidbody tool while pressing escape.
- [EDITOR] Undo and Redo now work for Assign Material.
- [EDITOR] When creating a new simulation, only delete Main Camera is this is the default one.
- [EDITOR] Resolve Undo-Redo of a straight cable generates an error.
- [EDITOR] Install tutorials resources by default, to solve installation issues on some computers.
- [PHYSICS] Remove obsolete tag on UnweldwhenGraspedComponent; this can still have some useful usages.
- [PHYSICS] Add collisions groups separator to physics manager, in order to solve non-detected collisions. Previously, all collisions in a group might have been deactivated if rigidbodies had initial collisions.
- [VR] Remove two warnings related to the HTCViveTrackerProfile file.
- [VR] Tune haptic return while hovering menu button.
- [VR] Fix persisting ray while changing VR tool.
- [VR] Detach grasped object if it's too heavy, in order to prevent Hand/Arm growing glitch.
- [VR] Walking animation was not triggered.
- [VR] Fix teleport with ergonomic manikin.
- [VR] Avatar arm extension is more realistic and the resting positions are closer to the body.
- [VR] Adding Hand IK Hint logic for greater elbow movement range.
- [VR] Depth perception of arms and elbows improved.
- [VR] Fix VR Player Head rotation when VR Player's rotation is not at 0 when launching the Simulation.
Interact 23.11
- [PHYSICS] Added support for creating closed-loop kinematics with a simpler process. You can now create a joint without a Rigidbody that connects a child and parent Rigidbody to close the cycle.
- [PHYSICS] Added a new joint - point on line - that allows three rotations and one translation. This joint is especially useful for relaxing constraints on over-constrained kinematics systems.
- [PHYSICS] While using a Mapped joint, you can now pick the controlling joint in the 3D scene.
- [CABLE] You can now attach a specific point on a deformable beam to a Rigidbody. Just add an XdeCircularBeamAttach to your Rigidbody, and pick the cable node you want to attach to it.
- [EDITOR] While using the Pick axis, we can now invert the detected axis using the "I" key.
- [EDITOR] Physicalization now includes making the object grabbable unless it is a fixed joint.
- [EDITOR] Add default search queries for Unity quicksearch - filter all grabbable parts, cables or rigidbodies using Unity quicksearch.
- [EDITOR] Guess the most probable axis while physicalizing a hinge joint. Even if your pivot point is not in the right position, we can infer the probable axis for a hinge joint while looking at symmetries and coaxialities. You can still change the detected axis using the Pick axis tool if needed.
- [EDITOR] Showcase all Interact shortcuts in the Unity Shortcut window.
- [EDITOR] Compatibility with Unity 2022.3. Unity 2022.3.12f1 is now the minimal supported version.
- [EDITOR] Add outline when picking a XdeRigidbody in 3D scene.
- [CORE] Add compatibility for Pixyz 2.0.
- [VR] Add thumb up and point hand gesture while using Oculus controller.
- [PHYSICS] Reduce memory allocation during mesh colliders initialization.
- [VR] You can now use up to three cross-section planes at the same time.
- [VR] Switch from SteamVR to OpenXR.
- [EDITOR] Remove verbose message indicating that the persistence was removed.
- [EDITOR] Fix initialization of properties for Joints in Editor to enhance Editor performances.
- [EDITOR] It was not possible to add a manipulator for cylindrical and point on line joint.
- [EDITOR] Focus on Inspector window when clicking on Show Collision Matrix.
- [PHYSICS] Fix XdeHingeJoint behaviour in scenes with autosleep: allows us to leave sleeping mode after unwelding has occurred.
- [PHYSICS] Fix laser grab not working with Unweld when grasped component.
- [PHYSICS] Fix Interference unwanted deactivation when using scene's contact monitoring.
- [PHYSICS] Fix dry friction behaviour when autosleep is active.
- [PHYSICS] Fix MappedJointMonitor (JointScale was not deterministic).
- [PHYSICS] XdeRigidBodySleepMonitor: Deactivating the flag showColor should restore the initial color of the object.
- [SCENARIO] XdeAsbPlacing option “Release part from hand” supports bi-manual grasping and multiple hands grasping.
- [CABLE] Fix typo: "Young modulus" instead of "Young module".
- [POINTCLOUD] Fix laser pointer ignoring pointcloud.
- [POINTCLOUD] Fix measure on pointcloud.
- [POINTCLOUD] Fix warnings on pointcloud shaders.
- [POINTCLOUD] Fix OctopclCollisionScene for pointcloud that was using a wrong resolution when started. This could lead to a crash when launching the simulation if the memory was too low.
- [CORE] Remove unneeded openMP manifest.
- [VR] Fix avatar IK animation when idling.
- [COLLAB] Fix objects sometimes being in the wrong place when starting in multiplayer.
- [COLLAB] Fix hands errors on VR avatars in multiplayer.
- [COLLAB] Fix menu and navigation culling on VR avatars.
- [COLLAB] Fix grabbing not working with 2+ player in VR.
- [COLLAB] Fix desktop manipulator behavior in multiplayer.
- [EDITOR] Fix ArgumentException on Shape Detection.
- [VR] Fix OpenXR settings being lost after restart.
- [VR] Fix error when VRCursor was not initialized before the menu.
- [VR] Fix contact arrows not appearing on screenshots.
- [VR] Fix PoseControl issues in HTC Vive tracker profile.
- [COLLAB] Fix player gameobject name setting id for multiplayer selection.
- [COLLAB] Fix NullRef on user selection window.
- [VR] Fix Avatar IK when moving head up and down.
- [VR] Fix Avatar IK torso rotation.
- [CORE] Try fallback package installation for all error codes.
- [VR] Fix "IsTracked" wrong value, which causes issues with Vive Focus 3.
- [VR] Fix button scale in VR menu.
- [VR] Resolve using a Windows Mixed Reality headset, Fly mode is glitching.
- [PHYSICS] Remove obsolete on UnweldwhenGraspedComponent;
- [COLLAB] Fix a bug related to avatar visibility state in collab.
- [CAVE] Fix Optitrack server not mapping natnet port.
- [SCENARIO] Resolve "XdeAsbTaskList does not display steps by default.
- [EDITOR] Fix warning CS0659: 'ScriptRecord' overrides 'Object.Equals(object o)'.
- [COLLAB] Fix Calibrate Height not being called for secondary nodes in collab.
- [COLLAB] Fix full-body tracking avatar being invisible to other players in collab.
- [VR] Fix "undefined" default role when instancing a new player.
Interact 23.09
- [CABLE] Beams can now perform auto-collisions. What a way to tie the knot!
- [CABLE] Add coulomb friction on beams.
- [PHYSICS] Add cylindrical and planar joints.
- [VR] You can now use Manus gloves with full body tracking. This allows ergonomics analysis with precise hands tracking.
- [EDITOR] Warn the user if we try to physicalize a "Static" object.
- [EDITOR] Ruler, axis picking and snapping tool now ignore hidden and non-pickable objects.
- [CORE] Add support for 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse Enterprise
- [EDITOR] Snapping tool can now work with empty GameObject, which can be useful to setup attach points for cable at a specific location.
- [EDITOR] Add a tool to update the project references from older Interact versions.
- [CORE] When building over an existing build that was compiled with older binaries, we had build issues since servers executable were not overwritten.
- [CORE] Keep server functional when solver integration fails.
- [CORE] Add meta files for FrontCol.mat and Steve_Ed.mat that used to be automatically generated when importing art_set_square.
- [CORE] Fix spacemouse that wasn't properly recognized.
- [CORE] Using the desktop manipulator now properly trigger Weld and snap events. We should now have a similar behavior between VR player and desktop player when using scenario keypoints.
- [CORE] Fix persistence files not being included in built executables.
- [CORE] While using DesktopManipulator, a single click made targeted rigid body attached to camera movement.
- [CORE] Fix contact arrows that were not displayed correctly in built executables.
- [CORE] DesktopManipulator ray width is now based on distance to ease visibility.
- [PHYSICS] Avoid considering disabled RigidBody as a valid parent for joints, to prevent misleading positioning teleportation at start.
- [PHYSICS] Repair
component to monitor friction values. - [PHYSICS] Fix use of initialVelocity for HelicalJoint, especially during start/stop.
- [CABLE] Fix cable issue where the beam was flying away when moved with gizmo.
- [EDITOR] Fix mouse scrolling that conflicted between camera controller and Unity editor.
- [EDITOR] When undoing physicalization, XdeRigidbody and colliders were not removed.
- [EDITOR] Fix lag when using the ruler custom editor tool.
- [EDITOR] Fix ghosts parts that were appearing randomly when using snapping tool.
- [EDITOR] Fix pick axis flickering when an object had both a MeshCollider and a BoxCollider.
- [EDITOR] Set the ground as a "non-pickable" objects for default environment.
- [EDITOR] Interact Preferences windows was lagging.
- [EDITOR] Pick axis was not undoable.
- [EDITOR] Fix "Compute dynamic parameters" button that was not working.
- [EDITOR] Fix "Generate Persistence file" button that was not working in editor.
- [POINTCLOUD] Indicate that a pointcloud might be corrupted if we can detect it.
- [CAVE] Fix Cave regression that prevented replicas server to start properly.
- [VR] Remove SelectCam from Desktop player - not used anymore.
- [VR] Measure tool was broken while using Fly at the same time.
- [VR] Fix laser from menu always being visible in grab mode.
- [VR] Multiples fixes for visual glitches related to VR menu.
- [VR] Fix leapmotion player rotating indefinitely.
- [VR] Fix right hand not working with leapmotion.
- [VR] Fix painter not drawing when in front of the menu.
- [VR] Fix calibrate height NullReferenceException on calibrate.
- [VR] Fix teleportation ray being too low when the player was not on the ground.
- [SCENARIO] Disabled steps are considered as completed dependencies.
- [SCENARIO] Add recursive ghost target display of the physical children part.
- [SCENARIO] Correct position alignment when only one or two dimensions of the interest point position are kept.
API Changes
- [CORE] Minimal supported version for Unity is now 2021.3.27f1.
- [PHYSICS] Mapped Joint scale and offset can be modified at runtime. When the scale is modified, the offset is also modified so as to keep the current position of the mapped joint.
- [NETWORK] Breaking change: all 'clientId' members are now removed from related components and should be replaced by a XdeIdentity next to the component (if sending data should be filtered over the network)
- [NETWORK] Developers can now choose how to send data over the network (per component), by adding a XdeIdentity component or a custom IXdePermissionFilter component on the GameObject Add WeldAsync/UnweldAsync/ReweldAsync methods to XdeWeldableJoints. The old methods Weld/Unweld/Reweld now return void, please use WeldAsync/UnweldAsync/ReweldAsync if you want to await the result.
- [CORE] The body parameter of the
is now a read-only property (replace body by Body in your scripts). - [CAVE] Rename master/slave by primary/replica.
- [CORE] Deprecate
. It is advised to use Weld Object to void when detached inXdeAsbOperatorGraspManipulator
instead. - [EDITOR] Remove Show contacts arrows and velocity preferences from preferences. This is still customizable in
Interact 23.06
- [EDITOR] Picking tool to get a node index on a cable and its curvature.
- [EDITOR] Snapping tool to move an object to another using geometric constraint solver.
- [PHYSICS] Enable multi-selection for physicalize.
- [PHYSICS] Custom value for the number of cables nodes, in preferences.
- [PHYSICS] Fix default number of nodes per meters to 50.
- [CAVE] Fix configuration file import and gamma serialization.
- [CORE] Fix missing file for Optitrack server.
- [CORE] Fix exception in Player color when there are more than 8 players.
- [CORE] Fix missing scripts in Tutorials scenes.
- [VR] Fix screenshot not having the same culling mask as main cam.
- [VR] Fix teleport initialization time.
- [EDITOR] Fix mouse scrolling that conflicted between camera controller and Unity editor.
- [EDITOR] Fix Apply transform result that was not saved properly.
- [COLLAB] Fix user selection window not adapting to screen size.
- [COLLAB] Fix NullReferenceException when culling other desktop players.
Interact 23.03
- [CORE] Add interactive tutorial to get started with Interact! learn how to add physics and behaviors on your scene.
- [VR] Add support for Manus quantum. Finger tracking reliability has been improved.
- [PHYSICS] Enable multi-selection for cable physicalization.
- [VR] Fix cross-section that was duplicated when used multi-times.
- [CORE] Fix Pixyz menu error when installing Pixyx package 2022.1.
- [VR] Fix laser grab being replaced by menu laser when grabbing.
- [CORE] Fix shaders errors when building an executable.
- [CORE] Fix prefabs content duplication related to Teleport.
- [CORE] Delete unused background textures.
- [CORE] Fix NullReferenceException when opening Export to FBX menu.
- [CORE] Required packages dependencies are now installed by default. It will try to use the Unity Package Manager to install those if accessible, or fallback to embedded ones if network or Unity repository are not available.
- [ERGO] Ergo panel was hiding multiplayer selection on start.
- [VR] Fix controller rumbling continuously when hovering menu move button.
- [CORE] Fix build not working when there was no player named [Player 1].
- [ERGO] Remove unclickable buttons from ergo panel.
- [CORE] Fix laser grab not working through VRMenu.
- [CORE] Fix laser force to move in a easier way.
- [CORE] Fix servers not being started properly
- [CORE] Fix ART server process not starting
- [CORE] Fix Optitrack server process not starting
Interact 23.01
- [EDITOR] Support for Pixyz 2022.1. (See known issue)
- [EDITOR] Multi-selection is now working for dephysicalize command.
- [CORE] Export kinematic as URDF file. URDF file compatible with ROS - Robot Operating System - can be exported.
- [ERGO] HumanManager component now has an
field to choose whether you display ergonomics manikin or standard avatar.
- [VR] Change screenshot tool orientation to be more ergonomic.
- [VR] Reduce cross-section red line border size.
- [LIBRARY] Remove
which was not used in ButtonController enum.
- [CORE] Remove unused mesh on industrials models.
- [CORE] Fix missing dependency when using Export To FBX menu.
- [CORE] Fix progressbar stuck for 2D layout import.
- [POINTCLOUD] Fix teleportation on point clouds.
- [POINTCLOUD] Fix null reference when deleting point cloud.
- [ERGO] Fix NullReferenceException when trying to re-calibrate through VR menu.
- [ERGO] Fix T-pose picture to have legs in the correct position.
- [ERGO] Fix inverted controllers when using Vive trackers auto-assignation.
- [ERGO] Fix Vive trackers auto-assignation when player was moved away from scene origin.
- [EDITOR] Fix url to cable documentation in cable window.
- [EDITOR] Remove a warning about missing meta files.
- [EDITOR] Now return a warning instead of an error when a geometry is missing in an URDF file.
- [EDITOR] Fix pick axis to only select visible parts when hidden layers are used.
- [EDITOR] Dephysicalize command was not removing XdeExternalWrench component.
- [PHYSICS] Fix UnweldWhenGrasped component to work with multi-users and leap motion.
- [EDITOR] Add ability to cancel Pick Axis by pressing the escape key.
- [EDITOR] Remove install of unused dependency.
- [CORE] Fix a NullReferenceException on ergo player.
- [CORE] Fix error while using Fly mode in Unity 2021.
- [EDITOR] Fix empty assembly definitions causing warnings.
- [CORE] Fix SteamVR bindings popup while importing package.
- [CORE] Fix compilation for application built with Interact.
- [ERGO] Fix physics engine that do not start automatically while using ergonomic player.
- [CORE] Fix issue on Prefabs, mainly related to Fly mode, missing references while importing the package.
Interact 22.09
- [VR] New VR menu. Menu is now interactable through a ray interaction, which make it easier to select tools. Enabling or adding a custom button in Editor is supported.
- [ERGO] Automatically assign a vive tracker to the body parts for OpenVR skeleton. Vive trackers assignation is done during the calibration phase. It is no longer needed to customize trackers reference number or SteamVR ID. This behavior can be switched off in HumanManager component.
- [CORE] Remove and optimize images in order to decrease package size.
- [CORE] Application does no longer quit when escape key pressed. This was preventing users to use escape key for other purpose while using custom scripting.
- [VR] Statistics and selection tools have not been ported to new VR menu. If those tools are critical for your usage, we advise to wait before upgrading and to contact us.
- [EDITOR] Fix missing images on license manager.
- [EDITOR] Resolve styling issues on license manager.
- [EDITOR] Fix performance issue when editing large hierarchy without a PhysicsManager in scene.
- [EDITOR] Fix XRGeneralSettings not being loaded when opening project for the first time.
- [EDITOR] Fix about menu not being properly displayed on higher DPI screens.
- [EDITOR] Record undo action when enabling or disabling objects from hierarchy.
- [VR] Fix avatar hands being wobbly.
- [VR] Fix OpenVR being always loaded by only enabling it with VR players.
- [POINTCLOUD] Fix point cloud shaders not working in single pass instanced rendering.
- [CORE] Add proper namespace to StartServers component.
- [CORE] Add error messages when StartServers is missing a connection settings.
- [ERGO] Fix documentation issue related to vive trackers positions on body.
- [VR] Fix conflicts between openvr dll.
- [CORE] Fix UnassignedReferenceException on FlyArrow prefab.
- [CORE] Fix NullRefException happening when we instantiate prefab without a PhysicsManager.
- [CORE] StartServers should not be mandatory for a valid simulation.
- [EDITOR] Fix unwanted modifications when using multiple selection on XdeJoint.
- [LIBRARY] Fix redundant LayerRef in OperatorPanel prefab.
- [LICENSE] Speed up fingerprinting on Windows.
- [LICENSE] Fix a license issue happening on corporate networks with MITM proxies that intercept network traffic.
- [LICENSE] Fix a license issue when using misconfigured drivers for hard-drives.
- [CORE] Remove useless audio listener that generated a warning.
- [VR] Fix menu losing focus when moving too fast.
- [VR] Fix a regression while using VR player in multi-users.
- [VR] Fix menu move button that needed to be pressed twice to react.
- [VR] Menu was not bind to the right button while using Valve index knuckles.
- [CABLE] Fix crash happening when cable had degenerate triangles.
- [CABLE] Warn user when isReadable property has not been properly set.
- [CABLE] Fix wrong detection of some cable when winding number was not correct.
- [CABLE] Weight is now disabled by default for cable attach point.
- [COLLAB] Fix missing label on user selection popup.
- [LIBRARY] Add missing XdeMeshCollider on FANUC M20 prefab.
- [CORE] Script reimporter sometimes causes compilation errors
- [CORE] Fix an exception happening while using Pick Axis on a shape with a collider other than a mesh collider.
- [CORE] Restore height calibration to VR player.
- [CORE] When importing an URDF file, fix an error when the 3D model is not in STL format.
- [POINTCLOUD] Fix progress bar when loading a point cloud.
- [ERGO] Fix trackers assignation in case where calibration was not set by VR Menu.
- [ERGO] Stay on T-Pose panel if trackers assignation fails.
- [POINTCLOUD] Fix regression that was preventing pointcloud import.
- [ERGO] Fix ergonomic manikin with Vive trackers that fails to initialize.
Interact 22.05
- [PHYSICS] Add a component to display cable bending radius.
- [PHYSICS] Throw an event when cable exceeds the minimal bending radius specification.
- [VR] Add support for Manus Prime X gloves.
- [EDITOR] Add help link to editor tools.
- [HAPTIC] Expose absolute position for Virtuose API.
- [EDITOR] Improve editor tools user interface.
- [EDITOR] Replace "remove small colliders" tool by a more generic tool "Select parts under vertex limit".
- [SCENARIO] Remove unsupported nodes (RobotGrasp, XdeAsbRobotStep).
- [EDITOR] Group Parts should do nothing when only one object is selected.
- [EDITOR] Fix scene stats accounting multiple times for selection when selecting both a gameObject and its children.
- [EDITOR] Fix unhandled exception when stopping playmode with debugger attached.
- [CABLE] Remember decimation factor when reloading scene.
- [SCENARIO] Fix NullRefException in Robot move graph node.
- [SCENARIO] Fix "AddAssetToSameFile failed because the other asset is not persistent".
Interact 22.03
- [HAPTIC] Add a preset for XdeScene specific to haptic.
- [CORE] Add more logs in order to pinpoint connection issues more easily.
- [EDITOR] Fix grouping not working when the root gameObject is a children of a parent selection.
- [CORE] NullReferenceException when testing a Unity beta build.
- [VR] Remove orientable teleport field in GUI since it was not used anymore.
- [CORE] Fix NullReferenceException when cable extremities were not setup.
- [CORE] Fix compilation error when Unity 2021 was used.
- [CORE] Ground is not physicalized by default anymore. It was causing issues and long physicalization time even when it was not useful for the project. It is still possible to physicalize the ground explicitly.
- [CORE] Non-supported Unity version popup had a wrong condition.
- [CORE] Fix warnings related to missing units on import.
- [ERGO] Show Vive trackers to ease calibration.
- [CORE] Change physicalized object icon.
- [CORE] Fix major performance issue with scene stats.
- [VR] Fix missing icon on some VR tools.
- [ERGO] Fix vive tracker player calibration when using VR menu.
Interact 22.02
- [EDITOR] Rigidbody picker to easily select parent rigidbody.
- [EDITOR] Optimized pick axis and measures in editor.
- [VR] Add a TrackingMeasure component to dynamically measure the distance between two points.
- [VR] Update HBAO package to latest version.
- [ERGO] You can now hide or show ergonomic manikin in Runtime using "H" key.
- [EDITOR] Grouping objects which have a parent-child relationship created empty GameObject.
- [EDITOR] Prevent unwanted data change when multi-selecting a value with a BoundAttribute.
- [CORE] Fix missing text in multiplayer popup.
- [CAVE] Prevent the crash of Unity when XdeZMQOpenGLWindow fails to start properly.
- [HAPTIC] For haptic manipulator, attach to center of mass by default instead of pivot point.
- [HAPTIC] Add a new mode to ignore inertial effects when using haptic manipulator.
Interact 21.12
- [PIXYZ] Support for Pixyz 2021.
- [VR] Laser Grab tool to be able to grab and pull physicalized objects from afar using your hands.
- [EDITOR] "Add new player" menu to be more straightforward to use by merging HMD's to one item and with new icons.
- [VR] Missing references in the controller component of player prefabs.
- [VR] Measure tool not properly updating its length when pointing at an object.
- [VR] Null reference when trying to grab a root fixed joint with the desktop manipulator.
- [LICENSE] Fix an issue when trying to activate Interact with older licenses.
- [LIBRARY] Missing materials on UR10.
- [EDITOR] Null reference exceptions when trying to remove colliders from an object with no mesh.
- [EDITOR] Null reference when closing interact build panel.
- [EDITOR] OpenVR being loaded even when no HMD where in the scene.
- [EDITOR] Null reference when trying to open scenario graph in an invalid scene.
- [CAVE] Color mode not being serialized.
- [CAVE] Render texture not being serialized.
- [EDITOR] Remove media importer.
Interact 21.08
- [SCENARIO] New scenarization module, better UI and possibility to have scenarios with branches.
- [SCENARIO] Add keypoint validation based on joint state.
- [SCENARIO] Add XdeAsbActionStep to trigger events between scenarios (activate, deactivate, reset).
- [CORE] Add compatibility with Unity 2020.3 LTS. Unity 2020.3 LTS is now the recommended version. See here how to upgrade from Unity 2019.4.
- [CORE] Add user preference to switch between imperial and metric units (Editor only).
- [VR] Grabbable property is now editable at runtime.
- [VR] Manus is now using bilateral manipulation behavior.
- [VR] Add "Weld On Detach" option to XdeAsbOperatorGraspManipulator.
- [PHYSICS] All XdeManipulators now have Attached and Detached events.
- [PHYSICS] XdeRigidBody now has Attached and Detached events.
- [CORE] Tune Pixyz default parameters. Import models with High tessellation by default, to provide better results with "Pick Axis". Merge last level of hierarchy to reduce the number of gameobjects.
- [VR] Fix compatibility with single pass instanced.
- [CORE] Remove part on non-prefab item was broken.
- [LIBRARY] Fix conveyor window.
- [LIBRARY] Fix some robots joints orientation.
- [COLLAB] Fix connection issue with two desktop players.
- [PHYSICS] Beam: Correct gizmo for initial configuration.
- [PHYSICS] Fix unit joint's button behavior when multi-selecting.
- [SCENARIO] Fix scale issue on animated ghost target.
Interact 21.05
- [PHYSICS] Add a tool to compute initial configuration of a cable from CAD model.
- [EDITOR] Add a ruler tool in editor to measure distances.
- [EDITOR] Add a protractor tool in editor to measures angles.
- [VR] LeapMotion player is now using new manipulation behavior.
- [VR] Add a "None" navigation mode in order to lock navigation for a player. This is useful if you are using registration to manipulate real objects in your simulation.
- [LICENSE] For large deployment, you can now activate an Interact license from registry values.
- [CORE] Navigation mode (Teleport, fly, etc) is now a player parameter instead of global preference.
- [VR] Remove timer tool.
- [VR] Fix action triggered by controller while a tool was used in opposite controller.
- [VR] Fix teleport when grasping an object.
Interact 21.01
- [CORE] Add importer for URDF files. Kinematics links, inertia and STL meshes are supported.
- [CORE] Add a tool to manipulate physicalized objects using desktop device.
- [CAVE] Start Optitrack server automatically according to CAVE configuration.
- [CORE] Handle multi-scenes when we build executables.
- [CORE] Handle multi-selection for make grabbable.
- [LICENSE] Remove Pixyz package from INTERACT. Pixyz is still highly recommended but not natively embedded anymore. consider downloading it from Pixyz website.
- [CORE] Support latest Pixyz version 2020.2
- [VR] Fix wrong offset when using measure or teleport tool.
- [CAVE] Optitrack configuration was not serialized in VRX configuration file.
- [VR] Mode icons were not displayed.
- [PHYSICS] Interference detection with multiple submeshes was not reported correctly.
- [PHYSICS] Cable radius now taken into account.
- [COLLAB] Fix inputs that were duplicated for all users.
- [VR] Hands positions were jumping from rest pose to actual pose after teleport.
- [VR] Hands were not teleported at the right position when Manus was used.
- [VR] Fingers were sometimes in odd positions when closing the hand.
- [LICENSE] Old license system didn't deactivate tokens properly.
- [LICENSE] Trim license key to avoid activation error when copy-pasting.
- [CORE] Fix pointcloud shaders compilation with specific defines.
- [CORE] Only move desktop camera when we have focus.
- [CORE] Unphysicalize command did not remove UnitJointMonitor.
- [CORE] Avoid concatenation of "_Grouped" string multiple times.
Interact 20.09
- [VR] Improved manipulation: objects with different mass will behave accordingly when grabbed. Bi-manual manipulation is now possible. Grab position has been improved, specially for constrained objects (door, robot, etc...)
- [CORE] For desktop user, you can now use a camera that use the same commands as popular CAD software (CATIA, Solidworks, Sketchup)
- [CORE] You can group objects instead of merging them when preparing your physicalized scene.
- [PHYSICS] Add mapped joint. This is helpful to create a link between other joints using a custom relation.
- [POINTCLOUD] Add a gizmo to resize and scale when cropping pointcloud.
- [PHYSICS] Add shortcut - Shift+P - to physicalize objects.
- [UI] Add shortcut - Shift+M - to merge objects.
- [VR] GoTouch is no longer embedded in INTERACT package.
- [VR] 3DRudder is no longer embedded in INTERACT package.
- [VR] Removed the city environment.
- [UI] Default manipulator is XYZTransform
- [UI] Default focus to OK button
- [CORE] You can now install Pixyz Plugin and Interact at the same time if you need advanced functions of Pixyz scene preparation.
- [CORE] Dramatically reduce the package size by removing unneeded assets and dependencies.
- [CORE] Documentation is now available online.
- [PHYSICS] Add manipulator no longer automatically physicalize object if a rigidbody is not selected.
- [CORE] Merge was not working reliably when several objects had the exact same name.
- [PHYSICS] Using pick axis with a prismatic joint was generating a new gameobject in the hierarchy.
- [UI] Fix NullReferenceException when using "Remove small colliders window" without selection.
- [UI] Fix NullReferenceException when using "Unphysicalize window" without selection.
- [LICENSE] Fix Pixyz button that was always disabled.
- [PHYSICS] Fix interferences detection with dilated lines.
- [VR] Update deprecated components for CAVE systems.
Interact 20.01
- [Misc] Add importer of XRTwin scenarios
- [UI] Add physicalize in contextual menu and add unphysicalize in interact menu.
- [License] You can now update your license.
- [License] Uninstall license in offline mode.
- [Physics] Add tooltip to explain our gravity vector convention.
- [CORE] Deleted embedded Post Processing package. This should fix compatibility with Unity Reflect and provides more flexibility to use the latest Post Processing package.
- [CORE] UseEmbeddedServer option was not working well. It is no longer available.
- [VR] Remove obsolete buttons on VR menu.
- [Core] Fix a critical issue that prevented building when using Unity 2019.3.9+ version. Previous versions were not affected.
- [Core] Merging of objects with specials chars was not working.
- [Core] Fix a crash sometimes happening on our reference demo.
- [Library] Staubly TX2 robot was not working.
- [Physics] Fix right hand kinematics.
- [VR] Wrong orientation when using teleport with left hand.
- [VR] Fix navigation in fly mode.
- [PointCloud] Crop gizmo was not rotated correctly.
- [Physics] Changes on Collision Matrix were not always saved.
- [Physics] Fix exception when using arrows with a large number of contact points.
- [Physics] User is no longer allowed to enter a negative value for timestep.
- [Ergo] Fix interaction with evaluation panel.
- [Collab] First user was the only one able to interact in VR.
- [CORE] Unity 2019.4.X is now supported.
- [CORE] Disable embedded CTAA package. This should fix some performance issues with Oculus HMD.
- [CORE] License status fixed in license manager.
- [CORE] Improve support for HDRP (still in alpha, some features might not work in this rendering pipeline)
- [VR] Avatar hand manipulation fixed
Interact 2019.12
- [Core] New collaboration framework (XSM2)
- [Core] Ability to import media (images, video, pdf)
- [Core] Added new teleportation mode (fly-over)
- [Core] Ability to load and export CAVE configuration files
- [Core] Updated SteamVR
- [Core] Updated XDE physics engine
- [VR] New user type: controllers with virtual hands
- [Graphics] Optimized rendering for better performance (HBAO, CTAA, triplanar shader)
- [Physics] New feature: joint axis detection
- [Physics] New feature: remove small colliders on an assembly (screws, bolts)
- [Physics] Add diagnostic tool to check scene conformity
- [UI] Create external camera
- [UI] Possibility to assign collision layers when physicalizing part
- [Misc] Add importer of XRTwin scenarios
- [Library] Add awesome materials in the library
- [Fix] Merge parts with line boundaries